Ayana Kwaza is an Associate Research Administrator in the department of Neurology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago Campus. In this issue, learn more about Ayana’s work and contributions to research administration community.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I am currently an Associate Research Administrator in the department of Neurology. Previously, I was an Assistant Research Administrator and an intern for about a year and a half.
I enjoy working out, family outings, and YouTube DIY’s.
What is your educational and professional background?
I have college experience. Prior to Northwestern, I a part of a year long professional development program called Year Up.
What are the most interesting aspects of working in research administration?
In my opinion, the most interesting aspects of working in research administration is constantly being stretched out of comfort zone and learning something new everyday.
What are the biggest challenges of working in research administration, and what are the ways you found most useful to overcome those challenges?
The biggest challenges of working in research administration is becoming busy and not spending much time learning on myHR/LYDIA to learn. The ways I found most useful to overcome it is planning my week out in advance and implementing 1-3 hours of learning.
What new projects are you working on?
I am currently working on forming a Year Up intern and alumni community to help support interns who are in the Year Up program.
Would you agree that being a research administrator is rewarding?
I believe being a research administrator is very rewarding. Knowing that I am a part of a difference being made in the world with science.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
In my spare time, I like to try new recipes, spend time with my children, and take road trips.
Do you have any advice for those wanting to launch or advance their careers in research administration?
My advice for those wanting to launch or advance their careers in research administration is to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. In addition, enjoy the ride! Each day is something new.