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Additional Conferences and Training Opportunities

Make the most of the current travel restrictions by attending a virtual conference or workshop. Many professional societies have transitioned their activities online at a much lower cost, so it might be the perfect time to investigate a new area of research administration or learn new skills. Here are a few upcoming events and recordings of the most recent webinars and trainings:

NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration  
Cost: FREE 
This event is designed to demystify the NIH grant application, review, award and post-award processes and policies! Register today and be sure to check out all the networking opportunities taking place during the seminar, including new ways to chat one on one with NIH and HHS experts, interact with attendees, and make the most of the seminar. 

2022 NSF Virtual Grants Conference Series 
Cost: FREE 
Just like the in-person grants conferences, the NSF Virtual Grants Conference is a must, especially for new faculty, researchers and administrators. 
Highlights include: New programs and initiatives, NSF directorate sessions, Future directions and strategies for national science policy, Proposal preparation, NSF’s merit review process, Conflict of interest policies. 

Navigating Cultures in the Global Workplace 
Northwestern’s Office of International Relations is offering free interactive 5-week workshops for Northwestern staff in each quarter. The workshop aims to provide tools for greater self-awareness and practical knowledge to increase intercultural sensitivity and effective communication in the workplace. 
The small group workshop will be conducted online, involving a combination of live presentations, discussions, and interactive activities. All participants will be provided with an online, personal assessment: the Cultural Orientations Indicator® (COI).  
At the end of the workshop series, participants will be able to:   

  • define the concept of culture and understand its levels and dimensions 
  • understand and apply learnings from the Cultural Orientations Indicator® (COI) and the Cultural Navigator® to work situations 
  • reflect more structurally and critically on past and current intercultural workplace experiences 
  • use tools and strategies provided to reduce intercultural conflict and misunderstanding

The Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center offers a variety of courses on research compliance, NIH requirements, data management, Web applications, and more. 


Please check the following websites frequently as the programs are adapting as travel restrictions are updated.

Northwestern University
Office for Research Integrity (ORI)
Sponsored Research (SR)
Accounting Services for Research and Sponsored Programs (ASRSP)

National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA)
Annual Meetings and Conferences

Society of Research Administrators International (SRAI)
Trainings and Conferences

Academic Impressions

International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS)

University-Industry Demonstration Partnership (UIDP)
Conference & Events

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Upcoming Seminars

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Upcoming Events