Why recertify? You took the time to study for the exam by attending NURAP’s CRA courses, reviewed materials, and quizzed yourself. All that time and hard work paid off because you passed! You’re now officially a CRA! It’s so exciting to have accomplished this goal! Whether you’ve been tracking your continuing education hours or not,
Tag: CRA
Congratulations to NURAP’s FY22 Professional Development Award recipients! Thank you to everyone who submitted an application. NURAP is proud to be able to provide financial assistance to Northwestern staff who support research administration. This monetary assistance allows research administrators to attend classes and trainings to help develop necessary skills to bolster careers and provide
Dear NURAP Community, Welcome to FY22! The NURAP Steering Committee is excited to welcome our newest FY22 members: Steering Committee members: James Bruning (Administrative Assistant 3, School of Communication), Regime Dean (Research Administrator, SPARC), and Lauren Rudolph (Senior Research Administrator, Pulmonary Division). Ad Hoc members: Oolka Dixit (Research Administrator, Psychology), Gloria Frazier (Research Administrator, Basic Science Administration), TJ Hubbs (Senior Research Administrator, Neurology), Kimberly Mater (Research Administrator, Medicine), Sam Mombou (Assistant Director, Proposals &
NURAP is pleased to announce the return of our CRA study sessions! For those of you who aren’t familiar with these sessions, every other year NURAP hosts a series of classes to help those who are interested in studying to obtain their Certified Research Administrator certificate. Each week a different topic is discussed and the