Evanston: December 12, 12:00-1:00 PM, Tech E311
Chicago: December 13th, 12:00-1:00 PM, Morton Bldg 7-660
The orientation meeting will cover such things as the structure of the study sessions, the schedule, how we will communicate, access to Northwestern Box for materials, and login information for the Guide to Managing Federal Grants for Colleges and Universities resource.These free sessions are a great learning opportunity regardless of your desire to take the certification exam.We welcome anyone and everyone to attend the CRA Study Sessions, whether you want to attend 1 or 2 sessions that interest you, or you want to attend every session to prepare for the exam.The sessions cover a broad range of research administration issues while providing excellent presentations and reading materials that address our profession beyond the scope of any one institution.If you are not on the CRA Study Session listserv and would like to be added, please e-mail brent.bell@northwestern.edu.