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NURAP’s CRA Study Sessions Orientation Meeting, Winter 2018

Evanston: December 12, 12:00-1:00 PM, Tech E311 Chicago: December 13th, 12:00-1:00 PM, Morton Bldg 7-660 The orientation meeting will cover such things as the structure of the study sessions, the schedule, how we will communicate, access to Northwestern Box for materials, and login information for the Guide to Managing Federal Grants for Colleges and Universities

Introducing Carrie Holbo to the Northwestern Community, Winter 2018

By Casey Klauck, Grants Assistant, Office for Sponsored Research The Office for Sponsored Research (OSR) would like to give a warm welcome to its newest member and Grants Officer, Carrie Holbo! Coming most recently from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Carrie brings with her over fifteen years of experience in research administration related

NURAP Spotlight: Sanaiya Khatwani, Summer 2019

By Den Gonzales, Sr. Research Administrator, FSM-Basic Science Administration Tell us about yourself? I am a dedicated, high performing and strategic thinking professional with more than eight years of research administration experience coupled with more than four years of payroll management experience. I have a proven track record in working with difficult situations, establishing rapport

Reflections From the President of NURAP, Summer 2019

By W. Nathan Youngblood, NURAP President, 2017-2019 When The RAPUp asked me to reflect on my time in NURAP, I jumped at the opportunity. NURAP has been a huge part of my professional life and I was grateful to have the chance to give my thoughts on the last 6 years. However, once I started

New Certified Research Administators (CRAs), Summer 2019

The NURAP Continuing Education Subcommittee completed its 17-week CRA study session program this past spring. Brent Bell coordinated the program on the Chicago campus, and Toby Singer, Yael Mayer, and Katie Wu coordinated it on the Evanston campus. The number of attendees averaged about 7 on the Evanston campus and 14 on the Chicago campus.

FY2020 Fringe Benefit Rates Announced, Fall 2019

New Fringe Benefit Rates effective September 1, 2019 have been announced. All new proposals should utilize the new fringe benefit rates effective immediately. As a reminder, we do not utilize prorated fringe benefit rates as there are no longer projected rates. Please use the current fringe benefit rate for all years of the budget.For more

Letter From the President, Fall 2019

By Yael Mayer, Business Administrator, McC Center for Synthetic Biology, NURAP President 2019-current Firstly and belatedly, Welcome to FY20, NURAP! My name is Yael Mayer and I am NURAP’s FY20 President. This is a very exciting role for me and I look forward to meeting more of you as the year progresses. NU-RAP has been,

Announcements and Upcoming Events

NURAP at Noon NURAP is working to reschedule several monthly sessions that were planned prior to the work-from-home order. We hope to continue discussions of important topics related to research administration and networking across campuses. Let us know if you have suggestions for a future topic. Tentative upcoming topics include sessions on: • Project management

Want to Join the NURAP Steering Committee?

Applications for FY21 Steering Committee members The Steering Committee is NURAP’s decision making body, consisting of four subcommittees: Communication and Outreach, Continuing Education, Membership and Programming. See descriptions below or the NURAP leadership webpage for more information. To qualify, you must have been a NU employee for at least one year by September 1, 2020,

Tips on Zoom and Canvas Platforms

By Catherine Cotter, Director of Operations & Outreach in the Department of Physics and Astronomy With the transition to virtual meetings and classes, the learning curve for adopting digital platforms has been accelerated with little strategic training or testing. Below is a list of resources and issue resolution tips that may be helpful. General Resources: