- 2022 NSF PAPPG UpdateNSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide, known as PAPPG or PAPP Guide, is a comprehensive reference book or a road map to maneuver through NSF procedures for proposal preparation and award management. PAPPG is revised annually and their most recent update has been released in June 2021, being effective October 4, 2021. Many
- 60th National NCURA Conference Highlights August 2018, Washington, DC, Spring 2019By Emily Klees, Financial Coordinator, Neurological Surgery As a fairly new employee of Northwestern with two years of experience in Research Administration, I wanted to see how Grants are managed at other Universities. When I saw the announcement of the NCURA Conference, I decided this would be a great opportunity to gain an understanding of
- Announcements and Upcoming EventsNURAP at Noon NURAP is working to reschedule several monthly sessions that were planned prior to the work-from-home order. We hope to continue discussions of important topics related to research administration and networking across campuses. Let us know if you have suggestions for a future topic. Tentative upcoming topics include sessions on: • Project management
- Announcing: The NURAP Pilot Mentoring Program, Spring 2019NURAP is excited to announce the launch of the Pilot Mentoring Program. The goal of the program is to support and enhance research administration at Northwestern. One way to achieve this goal is through a structured mentoring program that pairs early career research administrators with senior level research administrators. The program provides a confidential space
- Congratulations to our new CRAs and Professional Development Award recipients!Congratulations to NURAP’s FY22 Professional Development Award recipients! Thank you to everyone who submitted an application. NURAP is proud to be able to provide financial assistance to Northwestern staff who support research administration. This monetary assistance allows research administrators to attend classes and trainings to help develop necessary skills to bolster careers and provide
- CRA Recertification SimplifiedWhy recertify? You took the time to study for the exam by attending NURAP’s CRA courses, reviewed materials, and quizzed yourself. All that time and hard work paid off because you passed! You’re now officially a CRA! It’s so exciting to have accomplished this goal! Whether you’ve been tracking your continuing education hours or not,
- CRA Study Sessions Are Now AvailableNURAP is pleased to announce the return of our CRA study sessions! For those of you who aren’t familiar with these sessions, every other year NURAP hosts a series of classes to help those who are interested in studying to obtain their Certified Research Administrator certificate. Each week a different topic is discussed and the
- Expanding Global Competency: A Workshop for Northwestern Staff MembersAt the onset of the pandemic, the Office of International Relations (OIR) recognized the need to boost staff morale and sustain engagement in international activities during a time when travel and student mobility was at a standstill. Through brainstorming sessions and conversations with colleagues, OIR staff members Janka Pieper, director of communications, and Jennifer
- Foreign Influence and Its Impact on Northwestern’s Research Community, Summer 2019Concerns about foreign influence have come to the forefront in recent months, dating back to the issuance of a letter drafted by NIH Director Francis Collins, which outlined specific concerns in several areas related to university research. RAP Up | Summer 2019
- Funding Opportunity Database and Search EngineBy Rebecca McNaughton, Assistant Director, Office of Research Development Northwestern is now a subscriber to the Funding Institutional database search engine platform from Elsevier, a well-known brand that powers Northwestern Scholars. Take advantage of the revamped platform to search for new funding opportunities, set due date alerts and automatic notifications, and see past awards made
- FY2020 Fringe Benefit Rates Announced, Fall 2019New Fringe Benefit Rates effective September 1, 2019 have been announced. All new proposals should utilize the new fringe benefit rates effective immediately. As a reminder, we do not utilize prorated fringe benefit rates as there are no longer projected rates. Please use the current fringe benefit rate for all years of the budget.For more
- Introducing Carrie Holbo to the Northwestern Community, Winter 2018By Casey Klauck, Grants Assistant, Office for Sponsored Research The Office for Sponsored Research (OSR) would like to give a warm welcome to its newest member and Grants Officer, Carrie Holbo! Coming most recently from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Carrie brings with her over fifteen years of experience in research administration related
- Letter From the President, Fall 2019By Yael Mayer, Business Administrator, McC Center for Synthetic Biology, NURAP President 2019-current Firstly and belatedly, Welcome to FY20, NURAP! My name is Yael Mayer and I am NURAP’s FY20 President. This is a very exciting role for me and I look forward to meeting more of you as the year progresses. NU-RAP has been,
- My NURAP JourneyI joined Northwestern University as Financial Assistant in March 2014. I came with over seven years of experience in grants management for several different non-profit organizations, and I thought I knew it all. I assumed grants rules and concepts would be the same, and I saw myself as a “grants pro” making a great step
- NCURA Region IV 2018 Spring Meeting Highlights, Spring 2019By Tanikka Mitchell, Assistant Grants Officer, Office for Sponsored Research The NCURA Region IV 2018 Spring Meeting was held in Des Moines, IA on April 15-18, 2018. As a recipient of the 2018 NURAP Travel Grant Award, I received funds to help offset expenses associated with participating in this event as a first time attendee.
- New Certified Research Administators (CRAs), Summer 2019The NURAP Continuing Education Subcommittee completed its 17-week CRA study session program this past spring. Brent Bell coordinated the program on the Chicago campus, and Toby Singer, Yael Mayer, and Katie Wu coordinated it on the Evanston campus. The number of attendees averaged about 7 on the Evanston campus and 14 on the Chicago campus.
- NIH Update: Biographical Sketches and Other SupportThis past spring, NIH rolled out changes to their biosketch and other support requirements – the first substantive changes to these standard documents in quite a while. These changes are designed to help NIH more effectively evaluate potential foreign influence and the commitment levels of PIs applying for funding, or having their funding renewed. The biosketch, which is
- NIH’s 2021 Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants AdministrationIn November 2021, NIH took the content of their usual regional grants seminar and brought it online to allow for broader participation despite the pandemic. Registration was free, and the four-day seminar featured three live parallel tracks, along with a variety of asynchronous presentations to watch anytime and a number of opportunities to meet
- NURAP FY22 Steering CommitteePlease welcome our FY22 NURAP Steering Committee Team, people who are behind NURAP@noon events, CRA study sessions, professional development opportunities, and updating you on all things-research administration. The following group is full of energy to bring you another great year of learning, networking, and support for your journey through research administration experience at Northwestern University.
- NURAP Spotlight: Sanaiya Khatwani, Summer 2019By Den Gonzales, Sr. Research Administrator, FSM-Basic Science Administration Tell us about yourself? I am a dedicated, high performing and strategic thinking professional with more than eight years of research administration experience coupled with more than four years of payroll management experience. I have a proven track record in working with difficult situations, establishing rapport
- NURAP Spotlight: Shandra WhiteBy Yael Mayer, Business Administrator 2, McC Bioemedical Engineering & Den Gonzales, Senior Research Administrator, FSM Basic Science Administration NURAP had a chance to chat with Shandra White, the new Executive Director of the Office for Sponsored Research. During our conversation, she recounted what she learned during her 20-year journey in Research Administration. Pre-Research Administration
- NURAP Star Spotlight: Andrew MarkAndrew Mark is a Manager of Research Administration in McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Evanston Campus. Andrew is one of the most supportive members of research administration community. Always willing to help, provide feedback, and advise in complex issues. As Excel expert, he is known for updating McCormick budget templates to fit the
- NURAP Star Spotlight: Ayana KwazaAyana Kwaza is an Associate Research Administrator in the department of Neurology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago Campus. In this issue, learn more about Ayana’s work and contributions to research administration community. Tell us a little about yourself. I am currently an Associate Research Administrator in the department of Neurology. Previously, I was an Assistant
- NURAP Star Spotlight: Liz LanceElizabeth Lance, PhD, is a Manager of Research Administration at Northwestern Qatar. Liz also serves on NURAP Programming Subcommittee and you may have seen her during NURAP@noon monthly meetings. Liz often says she “comes from the future”, because of eight hours time difference between Qatar and Chicago/Evaston Campuses. In this issue, Liz shared with
- NURAP Star: Emily CallahanEmily Callahan is a Senior Research Administrator in the Basic Science Administration (BSA), Feinberg School of Medicine. Recently, RAP Up Co-Editor, Den Gonzales, got together with Emily to learn more about her background and reflect on her time at Northwestern. Tell us about yourself? I am originally from Glendale, Arizona and lived there for 18
- NURAP Website UpdatesThe NURAP website has been reorganized to allow for more efficient navigation and to improve the “one-stop shopping” experience in finding any research administration event, topic, and training in one place. The updated homepage includes links to our past and upcoming events…. Resources for CRA training, professional development, awards, professional societies, research administration contacts at
- NURAP’s CRA Study Sessions Orientation Meeting, Winter 2018Evanston: December 12, 12:00-1:00 PM, Tech E311 Chicago: December 13th, 12:00-1:00 PM, Morton Bldg 7-660 The orientation meeting will cover such things as the structure of the study sessions, the schedule, how we will communicate, access to Northwestern Box for materials, and login information for the Guide to Managing Federal Grants for Colleges and Universities
- NURAP’s resource for crowd-sourced information on pre- and post-award topics• Have you ever had a question but didn’t know who to turn to? • Have you ever felt a bit unsure about charging a certain expense on a grant? • Have you ever wondered if you were giving the right advice to a PI? • Have you ever been disappointed in the results of
- NURAP@Noon December Recap: Virtual Meeting PlatformsMissed December’s NURAP@Noon? See below for a short recap and visit on Event Resources page on the NURAP website to view the recorded session. December’s NURAP@Noon explored three different meeting platforms: Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Gather. Yael Mayer, Melissa Mizwa, and Morgan Eklund presented useful tips for utilizing these platforms in different meeting scenarios. Yael
- Office for Research Creates New Training OfficeHi, my name is Mike Lasky and I’m the Office for Research’s new Manger of Training & Development. This unit was created to take the lead in developing a comprehensive and collaborative training program across OR units. I will bring together training specialists to support the OR units in creating and managing their training
- Recertifying your CRA: How to Earn Continuing Education Contact Hours, Spring 2019By Jody Hirsh, Senior Research Administrator (and CRA) in the Chemistry of Life Processes Institute. Recertification of your Certified Research Administrator (CRA) status is required at the end of each 5-year period. This involves submission of your employment history in the field, documentation of 80 contact hours Continuing Education activities over the past 5 years,
- Reflecting on NURAP Steering Committee ServiceNURAP is now accepting applications for FY23 Sterring Committee. Being part of NURAP leadership is more than coordinating events and sharing resources. Below are some thoughts and reflections from the current and past NURAP Steering Committee members on what it meant to be part of this group, and how it’s been affecting our work within
- Reflections From the President of NURAP, Summer 2019By W. Nathan Youngblood, NURAP President, 2017-2019 When The RAPUp asked me to reflect on my time in NURAP, I jumped at the opportunity. NURAP has been a huge part of my professional life and I was grateful to have the chance to give my thoughts on the last 6 years. However, once I started
- Requirements for Subcontractors Using Vertebrate Animals, Spring 2019By Mandy Kozlowski, IACUC Office Director Offsite Collaborations Involving Animal Work The Northwestern Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Office maintains an approved Animal Welfare Assurance with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). This Assurance is required in order for Northwestern to receive PHS and other federal funding. Per the NIH Grants Policy
- Research Administration and Climbing the MountainsLast October I summited South Arapahoe peak, a 13’er in Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado (13,400 ft). It was not the hardest summit I’ve done but because of lots of snow and ice on the way up, it definitely was the most effort I have ever had to put in my hiking adventures. The approach
- Return to Campus – ResourcesIt’s been more than a year of remote work, Zoom meetings, Teams interactions, adjusting our home spaces for office-like environments, and reminding our kids (and dogs) not to jump over the screen while we discussed proposal preparation. For about nineteen months many of us did not get a chance to walk through the departments’ hallways, greet one another in
- SciENcv: Online Biosketch Tool, Fall 2019The National Science Foundation (NSF) has designated the National Institutes of Health’s SciENcv (Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae) as an NSF-approved format for submission of biographical sketch(es) and is encouraging investigators to use it to prepare biographical sketches for inclusion in proposals to NSF. RAP Up | Summer 2019
- SPARC Resource Repository: Everything you need, in one spotWere you thrown into the deep end when you entered the pool of Research Administration? Do you ever wonder where to start or what’s out there already so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel? Are you onboarding a new hire but aren’t sure where to direct them? If so, you’re not alone and you’ll
- Sponsored Research Capsules Explainer for Research AdministratorsOn January 10, Sponsored Research (SR) launched a new approach to constituency assignment that matches groupings of departments with teams of seven to nine SR staff members to form capsules. The following capsule explainer targets Northwestern’s research administrators, covering the key points that have the greatest impact on your day-to-day engagement with your capsule.
- Summary of Undergraduate Learning Abroad (ULA) Resources, Winter 2018
- Tips on Zoom and Canvas PlatformsBy Catherine Cotter, Director of Operations & Outreach in the Department of Physics and Astronomy With the transition to virtual meetings and classes, the learning curve for adopting digital platforms has been accelerated with little strategic training or testing. Below is a list of resources and issue resolution tips that may be helpful. General Resources:
- Want to Join the NURAP Steering Committee?Applications for FY21 Steering Committee members The Steering Committee is NURAP’s decision making body, consisting of four subcommittees: Communication and Outreach, Continuing Education, Membership and Programming. See descriptions below or the NURAP leadership webpage for more information. To qualify, you must have been a NU employee for at least one year by September 1, 2020,
- Welcome from NURAP FY22 PresidentDear NURAP Community, Welcome to FY22! The NURAP Steering Committee is excited to welcome our newest FY22 members: Steering Committee members: James Bruning (Administrative Assistant 3, School of Communication), Regime Dean (Research Administrator, SPARC), and Lauren Rudolph (Senior Research Administrator, Pulmonary Division). Ad Hoc members: Oolka Dixit (Research Administrator, Psychology), Gloria Frazier (Research Administrator, Basic Science Administration), TJ Hubbs (Senior Research Administrator, Neurology), Kimberly Mater (Research Administrator, Medicine), Sam Mombou (Assistant Director, Proposals &
Animals (1) Basic Science Administration (1) Biosketch (3) BSA (1) C&P (1) CE (1) Collaboration (1) CRA (4) Current & Pending (1) Federal (2) Foreign Influence (1) FY22 (2) IACUC (1) International Relations (1) Leadership (3) NIH (2) NSF (2) NU-Q (1) NURAP (3) NURAP Spotlight (3) Office for Research (1) Other Support (1) PAPPG (1) Policy (2) Professional Development (3) Proposal (3) Qatar (1) RACC (1) Recerification (1) Recertification (1) Repository (1) Research Administration (2) Research Administrator (3) Research Administrators Certification Council (1) Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (1) SPARC (1) Sponsored Research (1) Star (1) Steering Committee (4) Tools (1) Training (1) ULA (1) Undergraduate Learning Abroad (ULA) (1) Updates (1) Well-being (1)